Advantages of Solar Energy

Higher electricity cost is one of the reasons why numerous householders are looking to supply electricity to their house utilizing another means. Some other reasons motivating property owners to source alternative solutions include securing the health of our planet and also the limited supply of fossil fuels. Several home owners are now utilizing solar energy as opposed to fossil fuels. Solar energy is a non-polluting, clean, reliable and renewable power source.


It's popularity amongst homeowners continues to improve year-and-year. In 2016, United States has greater than 1 million residential solar installations. Before 2018 ends, the figure will reach Two million. Some of the states that normally make use of solar energy include New Jersey, Connecticut, California and Massachusetts. Based on the National Ranking for solar, California, which is also called the 'sunshine state' is hailed the number 1 user of solar energy in the country. Meanwhile, New Jersey is rank Fifth, with more than 340,000 solar-powered homes. The state of Massachusetts is 6th in National Ranking and it has about 312,000 homes run by solar. Connecticut might be ranked 18th, but a growing number of householders in the state are beginning to adopt the use of solar. Between the years of 2014 and 2015, there has been a 124% increase in investments in the state. You can also find the state in the top 10 national rankings for energy-efficiency programs and policies.


Solar energy is very useful, which is why a lot more people are utilizing it rather than other very common sources. There is a full listing of its benefits hereon the site of Cleaner NRG. To begin with, house owners could save a lot from using solar power. When going solar, by either leasing, buying or financing a solar panel system a homeowner can reduce and in many cases even get rid of their recurring power bill. Solar home owners also do not have to worry about the growing electricity costs.


When a house is powered by solar energy, its value becomes greater. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory claimed that an amount of $20 is added to the total value of your house for every One dollar in energy cost savings caused by your solar installation. The total increase will depend on certain factors like home location and also the installation size. On top of the increase in home value another crucial advantage is that solar protects a property owners roof. With solar panels being placed on top of your shingles, the longevity of the shingles themselves is protected against harsh components such as rain, hail, snow and even sunlight. The full article can be found here.


As a home owner, it is significant to search for a company that won't only help you in exploring your solar options but will also make you a company that is outstanding with regards to product, installation, warranty and savings. All of these factors will impact a home owners bottom line. A solar market place like Cleaner NRG will pair homeowners with the most beneficial selection for there home.


You can get a free quote from them here.